COURSE TDT4136 Logic and Reasoning Systems. EXAM Monday December 13 2010 SOLUTION PROPOSAL by/ Tore Amble Revised TA-110807 いいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい TASK 1 (20 %) We are using a plain text format. Students are free to use logical notation, but the concrete syntax is irrelevant. Task 1a) 1. A:x Phil(x) => A:y ((-L(y,y) => L(x,y)) & (L(x,y) => -L(y,y)) 2. E:x Phil(x) (Alternative :: E:x A:y ((-L(y,y) => L(x,y)) & (L(x,y) => -L(y,y))) Task 1b) Step Eliminate => 1. A:x -Phil(x) | (A:y (( - -L(y,y) | L(x,y)) & (- L(x,y) | -L(y,y)) 2 E:x Phil(x) (Step Reduce scope of negation) (Step Skolemize) 1 A:x -Phil(x) | (A:y ((L(y,y) | L(x,y)) & (- L(x,y) | -L(y,y)) 2 Phil(P1) Step Eliminate A: quantifier 1 -Phil(x) | ( ((L(y,y) | L(x,y)) & (- L(x,y) | -L(y,y)) 2 Phil(P1) Step Convert to conjunctive normal form 1 (-Phil(x) | L(y,y) | L(x,y)) & (-Phil(x) |- L(x,y) | -L(y,y)) 2 Phil(P1) Step Convert to clausal form form 1a -Phil(x) | L(y,y) | L(x,y) 1b -Phil(x) |- L(x,y) | -L(y,y) 2 Phil(P1) Task 1c) The Resolution proof requires an application of factoring, (which is part of the Resolution proof method). That is unification of literals with the same sign in the same clause the same clause. 3 (1a,2) L(P1,y) | L(P1,y) which is unified into 3f L(P1,y) 4 (1b,2) -L(P1,y) | -L(y,y) which is unified 4f -L(P1,P) 5 (3f,4f) [] QED -------------------- TASK 2 (20 %) This task is similar to an exercise that has been given in the course. Task 2a) A linear planner is a program that can make plans on the basis of the linearity assumption: A plan is a sequence of operations that tries to satisfy a sequence of goal conditions, under the assumptions that they can be solved independently in the order given. This also applies recursiveley to intermediste subgoals. Task 2b) %% Operators specifying the actions % go(From,To) % push(Object,From,To) % climb_on(Object,AtLoc) % AtLoc outputed for better tracing (of weird plans :-) % jump_down(Object) % switch_on(Switch,AtLoc) % " % switch_off(Switch,AtLoc) % " pre( go(From,To), on(shakey,floor) & in(To,Room) & in(From,Room) & %dif(From,To) & at(shakey,From) ). del( go(From,_To), at(shakey,From) ). add( go(_From,To), at(shakey,To) ). pre( push(Object,From,To), pushable(Object) & on(shakey,floor) & empty(To) & in(To,Room) & in(From,Room) & %dif(From,To) & at(Object,From) & at(shakey,From) ). del( push(_Object,From,_To), at(shakey,From) ). del( push(Object,From,_To), at(Object,From) ). del( push(_Object,_From,To), empty(To) ). add( push(_Object,From,_To), empty(From) ). add( push(_Object,_From,To), at(shakey,To) ). add( push(Object,_From,To), at(Object,To) ). pre( climb_on(Object,Loc), climbable(Object) & on(shakey,floor) & at(Object,Loc) & at(shakey,Loc) ). del( climb_on(_Object,_Loc), on(shakey,floor) ). add( climb_on(Object,_Loc), on(shakey,Object) ). pre( jump_down(Object), climbable(Object) & on(shakey,Object) ). del( jump_down(Object), on(shakey,Object) ). add( jump_down(_Object), on(shakey,floor) ). pre( switch_on(Switch,Loc), switch(Switch) & at(Switch,Loc) & box(Box) & at(Box,Loc) & on(shakey,Box) ). del( switch_on(Switch,_Loc), is_off(Switch) ). add( switch_on(Switch,_Loc), is_on(Switch) ). pre( switch_off(Switch,Loc), switch(Switch) & at(Switch,Loc) & box(Box) & at(Box,Loc) & on(shakey,Box) ). del( switch_off(Switch,_Loc), is_on(Switch) ). add( switch_off(Switch,_Loc), is_off(Switch) ). Task 2c) % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %% Initial facts ... fact( in(door1, room1) ). % fact( in(door2, room2) ). fact( in(door3, room3) ). fact( in(door4, room4) ). fact( in(door1, corridor) ). fact( in(door2, corridor) ). fact( in(door3, corridor) ). fact( in(door4, corridor) ). fact( in(inside1, room1) ). fact( in(corner1, room1) ). fact( in(inside2, room2) ). fact( in(corner2, room2) ). fact( in(inside3, room3) ). fact( in(corner3, room3) ). fact( in(inside4, room4) ). fact( in(corner4, room4) ). fact( switch(ls1) ). % fact( at(ls1,corner1) ). % light-switches in the corners fact( switch(ls2) ). % fact( at(ls2,corner2) ). % fact( switch(ls3) ). % fact( at(ls3,corner3) ). % fact( switch(ls4) ). % fact( at(ls4,corner4) ). % fact( box(box1) ). fact( box(box2) ). fact( box(box3) ). fact( box(box4) ). fact( pushable(box1) ). fact( climbable(box1) ). fact( pushable(box2) ). fact( climbable(box2) ). fact( pushable(box3) ). fact( climbable(box3) ). fact( pushable(box4) ). fact( climbable(box4) ). Task 1c) given( at(box1,inside1) ). given( at(box2,inside1) ). given( at(box3,inside1) ). given( at(box4,inside1) ). given( empty(door1) ). given( empty(door2) ). given( empty(door3) ). given( empty(door4) ). given( empty(corner1) ). given( empty(inside2) ). given( empty(corner2) ). given( empty(inside3) ). given( empty(corner3) ). given( empty(inside4) ). given( empty(corner4) ). given( at(shakey,inside3) ). % shakey starts in room3, given( on(shakey,floor) ). % on the floor; given( is_off(ls4) ). given( is_on(ls3) ). given( is_on(ls2) ). given( is_off(ls1) ). goal( is_on(ls1) . -------------------------------- SAMPLE RUN by planner % NOTE that the plan is not optimal. GIVEN: at(box1,inside1) at(box2,inside1) at(box3,inside1) at(box4,inside1) empty(door1) empty(door2) empty(door3) empty(door4) empty(corner1) empty(inside2) empty(corner2) empty(inside3) empty(corner3) empty(inside4) empty(corner4) at(shakey,inside3) on(shakey,floor) is_off(ls4) is_on(ls3) is_on(ls2) is_off(ls1) GOAL: is_on(ls1)&at(shakey,inside1) TRACE: PLAN: start go(inside3,door3) go(door3,door2) go(door2,door1) go(door1,inside1) push(box1,inside1,door1) push(box1,door1,corner1) climb_on(box1,corner1) switch_on(ls1,corner1) jump_down(box1) go(corner1,door1) go(door1,inside1) TIME(ms): 1050 ------------------------------------- TASK 3 (20 %) Modal logic of knowledge is a predicate logic where the arguments can be mental objects, i.e. thoughts, beliefs, knowledge, statements etc. Task 1a) The most common axioms of the modal logic of knowledge are K1 Knows(X, P=>Q) & Knows(X,P) => Knows(X,Q). // A can perform Modus Ponens K2 Knows(X,P) => P. // The proposition that A know P presumes that P os true K3 Knows(X,P&Q) <=> Knows(X,P) & Knows(X,Q) // axiom of conjunctions K4 |=P => Knows(X,P) // If P is a tautology, then P knows this K5 Knows(X,P) => Knows(X,Knows(X,P)). // positive introspection Task 1 b) Axioms adapted to the problem 1. Knows(Bob, Spot(Ann,Black)). // Bob can see the spot 2. Knows(Bob, Spot(Ann,Black)=>Spot(Bob,White) ). // rule:at least one spot, Proof: 3. (2,K1) Knows(Bob, Spot(Ann,Black)) => Knows(Bob,Spot(Bob,White)). 4. (3,1) Knows(Spot(Bob,White)) QED Task 3c) This represents Anns knowledge and reasoning: Ann knows the following facts, rules and conclusions. 2b. not Spot(Ann,Black) => // rule Spot(Ann,White) 5. Spot(Ann,Black) => %% Bob can see Ann Knows(Bob,Spot(Ann,Black)) 5b not Knows(Bob,Spot(Ann,Black)) => // contrapositive of 5 not Spot(Ann,Black) 6. Knows(Bob, Spot(Ann,Black)) => // general rule derived above Knows(Bob,Spot(Bob,White)) 6a. not Knows(Bob,Spot(Bob,White)) => // contrapositive of 6 not Knows(Bob, Spot(Ann,Black)) 7. Knows(Bob,Spot(Bob,White)) => // rule Tell(Bob,Spot(Bob,White)) 7b. not Tell(Bob,Spot(Bob,White)) =>. // contrapositive of 7 not Knows(Bob,Spot(Bob,White)) 8 not Tell(Bob,Spot(Bob,White)) // fact 9 (8,7b) not Knows(Bob,Spot(Bob,White)) 10 (9,6a) not Knows(Bob, Spot(Ann,Black)) 11 (10,5b) not Spot(Ann,Black) 12 (11,2b) Spot(Ann,White) Since this is Anns own reasoning, Knows(Ann,Spot(Ann,White)) QED ------------------------ TASK 4 (20 %) Task 4a) A heuristic search problem consists of - a set of nodes containing states - a start node - a goal node (or goal condition) - a successor function - a cost function for one step - a heuristic function as an estimate for cost from a node to a goal node In the present problem, the states are configurations of the boxes the start node and goal nodes are configurations as described, the successor function is the legal moves, the cost fuction is 1 per move and the heuristic function is to be found. The quest is to find the cheapest way from start to goal . Task 4b) Admissible heuristics means technically that H is less or equal to the real minimal cost. The benefit is that we are guaranteed a minimal cost plan if it exists. Task 4 c) Monotone heuristics means technically that the cost of a step is higher than the reductiion in heuristics, which means that the total heuristic is (monotonically) non-decreasing. Benefits of monotone heuristics is that we can regard the first found path to nodes as the minimal route to them, and can thus discard further search for any nodes that is detected earlier. Admissible heuristic, technically underestimate, functionally guarantees optimal path to goal. Task 4d) A good heuristic may be to count the number of boxes that are not in place, i.e. number of boxes on P1 and P2, and the number of red boxes on P3 except the number of blue boxes on P3 that are correctly stacked from the bottom. This heuristic is admissible because each box counted above need at least 1 move to get in place. This heuristic is monotone because the heuristic as the increased cost of of a step is no less than the decrease in the heuristic estimate. heuristic estimate decreasing less than the cost of of a step. ----------------- TASK 5 (20 %) Task 5a) Starting with the top node, each possible move is depicted down to a maximum depth,or a terminal node (win or lose position). For the nodes at the bottom level, each node is assigned an evalution function value. The valuation function assigns the values from the point of view of one of the players (called Max). The valuation function must give a top value to win position and a bottom value for a losing position, and and a value in between for non-terminal nodes. When that is done, all the values are backed up so that a Max node (Max to move) gets the maximum of its daughter nodes ( Min-nodes), while each Min node gets the minimum value of its daughter nodes (Max nodes). Task 5b) The static value for B om the move could be - (minus) the value if A was in the move. The motivation for this evaluation function is twofold: i) The game is symmetric, same rules for A and B. Positive values for A are negative values for B and vice versa. ii) The estimate f(S) gives the as the number of choices that the mover can do. The more possibilities, the more chance that a good move can be found if the games arrives at that position. Task 5c) Drawing: (sketch in txt format). Backed up values in (). Two double moves gives 5 levels of nodes. A20 (99) | \ \ B4 B10 B19 (99) ( +1) (-99) | \ | \ \ | \ A2 A3 A2 A5 A9 A1 A18 (99) (99) (99) (99) (+1) -99 (99) | | \ | | \ | \ | \ \ B1 B1 B2 B1 B1 B4 B3 B8 B6 B9 B17 99 99 (-99) 99 99 (99) (-99) (+1) (99) (+1) (-99) | | \ | \ | \ | \ \ | \ | \ A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A4 A7 A2 A3 A5 A3 A8 A1 A16 -99 99 99 -99 99 +1 99 99 99 99 99 +1 -99 +1 Task 5d) By alpha beta pruning is meant a method whereby a node is not evaluated further if it can be proved that the node will never influence the choice. This is done by assigning provisional values (alpha values at Max nodes, beta values at Min nodes when the a value is backed up from below. Alpha values can only be bigger, but if a Max node with an alpha value A is below a Min node with a beta value B, and A > B, then B will never choose A anyway, and any further analysis of the subnodes will not change that. Benefits: Reduces the number of node expansion without sacrificing optimlaity. Alpha Beta prunig assumes that the nodes are evaluated depth first according to som ordering. If the ordering happens to be optimal (e.g. best values for Max appears first), then the theoretical gain: is N ** 1/2 where N is # nodes without A-B This means that the depth can be doubled. The average gain: N ** 3/4. Task 5e) (It is allowed to mark it on the figure above) The actual marking of the Alpha Beta cutoffs may vary according to the sequence of the evaluation of the subnodes). In the game tree above, A20 gets a backup value alpha value of 99 early, which makes all node evaluations below B10 and B19 redundant. ------------------------