The complexity of sliding-block puzzles (Hearn) There is no theory about sliding-block puzzles. The paper mentions that such puzzles are PSPACE-complete. The formal proof is in another paper. This paper merely contains an easier-to-understand explanation on how to convert a collection of logic gates into a sliding-block puzzle. Use the new book Games, puzzles and computation as a source instead, it dominates this paper. ======================================================================== The nondeterministic constraint logic model of computation (Hearn, Demaine, 2002) The interesting result from this paper is that sliding-block puzzles are PSPACE-hard, even when restrained to 1x2 pieces (dominoes) packed in a rectangle. A mention of generalized 15-puzzles being solvable in polynomial time (no reference given). That must certainly only be the case for finding any (possibly non-optimal) solution. The framework is nondeterministic constraint logic, which has the same computational power as a space-bounded Turing machine. NCL can be described as a planar graph. Proof of PSPACE-hardness via reduction from QBF (quantified boolean formula, or QSAT). Use the new book Games, puzzles and computation as a source instead, it dominates this paper. ======================================================================== Efficiently searching the 15-puzzle (Culberson, Schaeffer, 1994) With IDA*, search trees can still be large. Remedies: Remove duplicate nodes, tighter lower-bound estimates (h) or consider a hybrid version of A* that produces "good" non-optimal solutions (for instance: real-time search, linear-space best-first search, references to other papers) Finite state machines can do better than transposition tables! [11] However, I can't see how they are beneficial for Bricks. Description of endgame databases: They are used to record a subset of states in the search space that are close to the solution state(s). In single-agent search, all positions within a distance of N of the solution can be saved. No results of its effectiveness yet. New concept: Reduction databases. For 15-puzzles, it can answer queries like "given an arbitrary position, what's the minimum number of moves to place N designated tiles correctly"? Maximum over all database lookups is the lower bound of solution cost. ======================================================================== Playing algorithms with games, full version (Demaine) Lots of stuff about two-player games, off-topic in this context. section 2.4 says there is little theory for analyzing one-player games (puzzles). it's an "open direction of research" to develop a general theory, similar to the two-player theory". Combinatorial game theory doesn't naturally accomodate puzzles. Constraint logic enters the picture, see the papers about proving that certain puzzles are PSPACE-complete. section 5: algorithms for puzzles. 15-puzzle is mentioned, but no algorithm is given. section 5.7: it's pspace-complete to determine whether it's possible to move a given piece, weven when all blocks are 1x2 or 2x1. ======================================================================== Finding optimal solutions to Rubik's Cube using pattern databases. Choice of algorithm! A*: It uses exponential space, impractical on large problems. Depth-first branch-and-bound: Not feasible, since it is difficult to find any solution, or a tight upper bound on the optimal solution length. This suggests iterative-deepening-A* (IDA*). Finding a heuristic is difficult. The 3d-version of the manhattan distance for 15-puzzles isn't good enough to search to the needed depth (depth 14 in 3 days, need depth 18). Some nice tips regarding analysing a heuristic evaluation function. The effectivenes of an admissible heuristic function can be characterized by its expected value over the problem space. heuristic used was max of optimal solution to corner cubies, and some other heuristic. Estimate this to the desired accuracy by randomly sampling position and taking the average. If the heuristics are based on table values, take the average of the table values (ruben's comment: weighting? frequency?) VIKTIG kjekt for analyse Conjecture: The larger the expected value of an admissible heuristic, the better the performance of an admissible search algorithm using it. Let e be the expected value of the heuristic over the problem space. Then IDA* searching to depth d would be equivalent to brute-force depth-first iterative-deepening searching to depth d-e, since the f=g+h value of every state would be its depth plus e. formula for running time of IDA*! O(n/m), size of problem space divided by memory available. argument of why their O(n/m) algorith is better than someone else's O(n^0.5) algorithm (constant factor, memory usage, scalability to more memory, potential of pattern databases). Mention of an interesting algorithm: Perimeter search. Do a backwards search from goal until memory is exhausted. Store only the states on the resulting perimeter. Then, do a linear-space search until perimeter is reached. Unknown whether perimeter search will perform well on Rubik's cube. Pattern database (idea, def): Take a subset of the goals of the original problem, and precompute and store the exact number of moves needed to solve these subgoals from all possible initial states. The the exact solution to the subgoals is used as a lower bound heuristic for an IDA* search of the original problem. ======================================================================== Sliding piece puzzles (Hordern) page 5: gives definition of 4 kinds of moves ======================================================================== interesting rush hour project