Index of /ntnu-studentserver/reports/

02_Smart2020Report.pdf                             02-Apr-2018 10:55             8088585
0387682813.pdf                                     02-Apr-2018 10:55             3565216
06-exam-lf-gps.pdf                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              210405
06-exam-lf-ngu.pdf                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              166903
060730.pdf                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55               52824
1-report.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55            13229537
1023-MEPC392.pdf                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              330046
1454A78CBF407178F56D036AE91D7B5.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55               72742
1F7F09D7C9DBDE7B555D45EA018CDB0.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55             1077654
20060727_154408_04637_PODS-IN-SERVICE_Final-Rep..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              972398
2010PeterMacResearchReport.pdf                     02-Apr-2018 10:55             3996860
205173.pdf                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              910481
2921E9EF352D401324FC148C4AF68E57.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55             1787215
3453_001.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55               62747
3453_002.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55               60271
35148819FBBADF43EDC7AE5A461878B.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55             1915855
44CEF214FCF535FB6D1953AED75A8F96.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55              212766
47261EF09A9637434A69D8644BB76B44.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55              690299
49E7ABF2CE7783CB3A529BA5B547E97A.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55              550223
4E766D87DCCA0A7F03F1CAE1B87511.pdf                 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1048074
5790DE97AFFB3EC0F0AF30D07ED1497F.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55             1172213
68B7C1D2C4AE7E5F6F4878AC334BA2.pdf                 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1862432
702658981-gview_local_gview_base_mod__no.js        02-Apr-2018 10:55              312838
72EF49DBD3724FCCBB214C1CEF941.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55             1808895
7D5661F9A0A0BE4465EA66415D5863B.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55             1207201
8F457B9FC0D8B18FEED5C247F2F6549E.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55             1039657
994DA31C87D801934DE1CFAA22F92.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55             1274926
A Bayesian Belief Network modelling of organisa..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1060420
A Brief Review of Marine and Offshore Safety As..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             2010868
A Gordian Knot Into Which Sailed The Exxon Vald..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1569593
A Human Error Approach to Aviation Accident Ana..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1463961
A Methodology for Safety Case Development.pdf      02-Apr-2018 10:55               30594
A Post-Mortem Analysis of the Piper Alpha Accid..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             3039304
A Taxonomy of Performance Influencing Factors f..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              173211
A new accident Investigation Approach Based on ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1570660
A new accident model for engineering safer syst..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              376336
A risk influence model applied to North Sea hel..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              460585
A subjective modelling tool applied to formal s..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              150289
AB-326%20Reports%202005.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55             4005875
AC49DE3D7E65E331FC78C953CB3E03C.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55             1271596
AFM_report.pdf                                     02-Apr-2018 10:55              227120
ALLConsulting-WaterTreatmentOptionsReport.pdf      02-Apr-2018 10:55              904786
APPLICATION OF RISK BASED STRATEGIES TO WORKERS..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              367044
AT329_2005_GPS_ane_trine_ola.pdf                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              400629
A_19_A_Stress_Report_at_TD_of_3172_m.pdf           02-Apr-2018 10:55              151411
Advances in human reliability analysis methodol..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             2670404
Advances in human reliability analysis methodol..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              882738
An analytical approach to quantitative effect e..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1048671
Analysis Of Human Error In Marine Engine Manage..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              195831
Analysis of 2004 German general aviation aircra..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              258465
Analysis of accidents in Greek shipping during ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              393861
Analysis of human reliability on performing a s..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              635352
Analytical HFACS for investigating human errors..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              436904
Annual Report 2009.pdf                             02-Apr-2018 10:55             5658194
Annual report 2010.pdf                             02-Apr-2018 10:55             2079584
Annual report 2011.pdf                             02-Apr-2018 10:55             4322477
Annual report 2012.pdf                             02-Apr-2018 10:55             2881263
AnnualReport2007.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55             3791007
Appendix. Preliminary report.pdf                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              735151
Appendix. Report.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55              518949
Application of Resilience Engineering on Safety..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             7237521
Application of a human error framework to condu..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              315167
AttI_1-QueveatGinga-603009.pdf                     02-Apr-2018 10:55              397164
BORA H3_1 Generalisation Report Rev 01.pdf         02-Apr-2018 10:55             1174581
Bayesian statistical data assimilation for ecos..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1130267
Brackets-project-work-1997-reduced-size-documen..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             3130993
CERIAH.pdf                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55               88948
CERIAHValidation.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55               90418
CERIAL.pdf                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55               85253
CERIALValidation.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55               86431
CERL Report 2007-16 (OP-J).pdf                     02-Apr-2018 10:55              363375
CEWG_Report_5_April_2012.pdf                       02-Apr-2018 10:55             1239613
CIPRO preliminary report.docx.htm                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              190326
CMPSC 240A Project Progress Report.pdf             02-Apr-2018 10:55              176621
COLLISION AND GROUNDING.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55             1720062
Campus Kalvskinnet - Report.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55             6284823
Caswell, A comparison of Finger 2D4D by Self Re..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              189896
Catalysis report.docx                              02-Apr-2018 10:55               14654
Causal factors in accidents of high-speed craft..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              397967
Causes, Prediction and Prevention of Structural..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55               59727
ClimateReport_10_2010.pdf                          02-Apr-2018 10:55              550674
Cognitive modeling and dynamic probabilistic si..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1001912
ColinsLabJournal.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55              721054
Combination of safety integrity levels (SILs) A..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1200272
Combining task analysis and fault tree analysis..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              904406
CompanyReport2007.pdf                              02-Apr-2018 10:55             2728428
Comparions between BEM and lookup table.docx       02-Apr-2018 10:55              825106
Comparison between feathered and seized cases.docx 02-Apr-2018 10:55              876256
Comparison between the sea states.docx             02-Apr-2018 10:55               32839
Comparison of some selected methods for acciden..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              108611
Components -- Alphabetical List.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55               26824
Computer-based systematic execution model on hu..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1100597
Conference Report, 4th Petromin Deepwater and S..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55               24568
Consideration of Human and Organization Factors..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              194038
Constrained optimization of component reliabili..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              954083
Context and human reliability analysis.pdf         02-Apr-2018 10:55             2334248
CoopAgr1.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55               52431
CoopAgr2.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55               63065
Cornwall report.docx                               02-Apr-2018 10:55              985144
Cray-Trondheim-Status-Report-April-1989.pdf        02-Apr-2018 10:55              246293
D7DB8A61E4A532BCB4BF8DF5717D53.pdf                 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1028311
DFG_REPORT2[1].pdf                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55             4177324
DGPS Report_Arvid_Kristoffer_Herman.pdf            02-Apr-2018 10:55              588445
DGPS report sara eva ted.pdf                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              231502
DGPS_Report_final_Katrin_Rune.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              261189
DGSP - Field report AT329-GrC-KF.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55              256352
DN-report-4-2011_web.pdf                           02-Apr-2018 10:55             4600131
DNV_FEA_Report_2004-3463.pdf                       02-Apr-2018 10:55             1288257
Design for safety of engineering systems with m..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1084553
Design of the Dynamic Positioning System for th..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              243032
Determinants of crew injuries in vessel acciden..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              115937
Determination of ALARP in conditions of uncerta..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              109104
Development and application of a human error id..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              212557
Development of accidental collapse limit state ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              688114
Differences between human reliability approache..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              512130
Distillation-report DRAFT.pdf                      02-Apr-2018 10:55              543213
Distillation-report.pdf                            02-Apr-2018 10:55              518703
Dr. Singh AHE Report.pdf                           02-Apr-2018 10:55              143294
Dynamic event trees in accident sequence analys..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             2093173
Dynamic generation of accident progression even..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              928747
E4AEA6329E04CC573A3AB7FB813AB.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              376637
EBSDTestReport.pdf                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              331673
EBSDTestReport1.pdf                                02-Apr-2018 10:55              566218
EBSDTestReport2.pdf                                02-Apr-2018 10:55              300820
ECN_C 01_055 - Schepers - Design Code Verificat..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              158849
ESNSurvey_2006_Report.pdf                          02-Apr-2018 10:55             2977836
ESNSurvey_2007_Report.pdf                          02-Apr-2018 10:55             3789895
ESNSurvey_2008_Report.pdf                          02-Apr-2018 10:55             3458790
EVA2005programabstracts.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              487135
EiT Process Report backup 20.04.docx               02-Apr-2018 10:55               28292
EiT Process Report.pdf                             02-Apr-2018 10:55             3949003
EiT Project Report.pdf                             02-Apr-2018 10:55            15945199
Enabling a powerful marine and offshore decisio..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1507684
Essay Cont report work.docx                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              342764
Essay Cont report work.pdf                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              939672
Estimation and Evaluation of Common Cause Failu..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              222555
EthanolSugarFeasibilityReport3.pdf                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              376274
Evaluating Influence Diagrams.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              121927
Event oriented analysis of series structural sy..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              334082
Exam_report.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              438899
F5114FFC80F3855271DB795DA58A7EBC.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55             1032875
F57C1A76183FFE71808BDD74860776A.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55              113801
F866B1771C11263773237808C174B0.pdf                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              346819
FF_report.pdf                                      02-Apr-2018 10:55             6721305
FSA-ECDIS-CompleteReport_02-02-2006.pdf            02-Apr-2018 10:55             5782108
FSA_Glossary_pdf437.pdf                            02-Apr-2018 10:55               50637
FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF FUZZY LOGIC TO RELIABIL..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              301274
FatigueDesign.pdf                                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              526294
Fatigue_report.pdf                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55             2964225
Fault-tree Models of Accident Scenarios of RoPa..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              272122
Felleslab ST7 Report .pdf                          02-Apr-2018 10:55              387518
Felleslab ST7 Report FINAL.pdf                     02-Apr-2018 10:55              401880
Final Project Report (2).docx                      02-Apr-2018 10:55              217585
Final Project Report.docx                          02-Apr-2018 10:55              215634
Final Project Report.pdf                           02-Apr-2018 10:55              357388
Final Report.pdf                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              858631
FinalReportAOGS 19Jan05.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55               57929
FinalReport_main.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55             8577707
First stage of STEP analysis of Piper Alpha inc..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1263519
Force.pdf                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55               23557
Formal safety assessment of containerships.pdf     02-Apr-2018 10:55              762819
FrBygg-CEE_International_benchmarking_Final_Rep..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              601564
FrameReport_Press_17MB.pdf                         02-Apr-2018 10:55            17461709
FrameReport_web_8MB.pdf                            02-Apr-2018 10:55             8884207
From accident report to design problems  a stud..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              329382
Full_report.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55            15166293
Full_report_Eirik_T_Bakken.pdf                     02-Apr-2018 10:55            12201485
Full_report_rettet1.pdf                            02-Apr-2018 10:55            12161758
Full_report_rettet2.pdf                            02-Apr-2018 10:55            12783273
G5 Tapir epublish.pdf                              02-Apr-2018 10:55            11668305
G5 Tapir epublish.pdf.svn-base                     02-Apr-2018 10:55                  53
GD-6 Feaisbility Report Final Volume 1 rev last..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             4247522
GIRI RAJA SEKHAR_GUNNU_ PHD  Progress report.pdf   02-Apr-2018 10:55               62661
GNSS Report-Gruppe F Jonas og Bjørn Kristian.pdf   02-Apr-2018 10:55              855384
GPR_Report_Team4.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55             4139924
GPS Report Christian Nikita Steffen.pdf            02-Apr-2018 10:55              769251
GPS Report-gr1.pdf                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              513770
GPS_Report_Team4.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55              181817
Gateway Cloning Project Report.docx                02-Apr-2018 10:55              325255
Git-logo.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55                2246
Gruppe7-FinalReport-TIØ4265Fall2012(7).docx        02-Apr-2018 10:55             1768252
Gruppe7-FinalReport-TIØ4265Fall2012(7).pdf         02-Apr-2018 10:55             2186964
Gruppe7-FinalReport-TIØ4265Fall2012.docx           02-Apr-2018 10:55             1758785
Gruppe7-FinalReport-TIØ4265Fall2012.pdf            02-Apr-2018 10:55             2117326
Gruppe7-FinalReport-TIØ4265Fall2012_uredigert.docx 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1768580
Guidelines_on_testing_dp_systems.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55              131342
HEPI A new tool for human error probability cal..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              902899
HUMAN ELEMENT IN SHIPPING ACCIDENTS.pdf            02-Apr-2018 10:55               19805
HUMAN FACTORS AND EVERYDAY ROUTINE IN the marit..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              121160
Hale,Glendon Individual Behaviour in the Contro..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55            15436331
Hansen12_Scientific Reports_Heat-induced swelli..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              440183
Harris (2003) A Review of Sex Differences in Se..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             5559491
High demand systems.pdf                            02-Apr-2018 10:55               12982
Historical analysis of accidents in seaports.pdf   02-Apr-2018 10:55              277029
Human Error in Shipping.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              391614
Human Operator's Weight Perception of an Object..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             7612591
Human Performance in Arctic Offshore Escape, Ev..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              761129
Human communication, mutual awareness and syste..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              130622
Human factors and SISSIF.pdf                       02-Apr-2018 10:55               12541
Human factors and SIS_SIF.pdf                      02-Apr-2018 10:55               24998
Human health risk assessment in regions surroun..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             2942389
Human performance and embedded intelligent tech..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              454799
Human reliability data, human error and acciden..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              347243
Human-centered modeling in human reliability an..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             2673174
ICERS 2005.pdf                                     02-Apr-2018 10:55              365716
IGB-IPT_Self_Evaluation_Report_2007.pdf            02-Apr-2018 10:55              404941
IKEA_Sustainability_Report_2009.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55             7678722
IMPROVING THE SAFETY OF AUVs.pdf                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              497543
INTENT a method for estimating human error prob..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              997652
Improved vessel safety in offshore supply servi..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              611273
Improving Safety Performance by Understanding p..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55               56980
Improving the management of human and organizat..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              796855
Influence Diagram Model of a Pump Room Gas Leak..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              172489
Influence Diagrams - Historical and Personal Pe..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              457338
Integrating QRA and SRA methods within a Bayesi..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              134040
Integrity Management.pdf                           02-Apr-2018 10:55             1833551
Inter-X Summary Report April-11b.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55              729211
JLudwiczak - Safety Culture Lessons Learned.pdf    02-Apr-2018 10:55              137491
JM -Improving Life Boat Safety.pdf                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              179567
Jalonen_NTF2006.pdf                                02-Apr-2018 10:55              622346
Johansen&NearField_DraftReport_rev01.pdf           02-Apr-2018 10:55              359434
KPayne - Helicopter Ship Operations.pdf            02-Apr-2018 10:55              582285
KTN_final_report.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55              732735
Katharina_Kormann_Martin_Kronbichler_projectrep..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              631736
LARGE PASSENGER SHIP SAFETY.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              338429
LARGE PASSENGER VESSEL SAFETY STUDY report on t..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              113328
Laboratory Report tribologi uten teori.docx        02-Apr-2018 10:55             1680298
Lift and drag on blades.docx                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              199838
Linking Risk Analysis to Safety Management.pdf     02-Apr-2018 10:55              380233
MANAGING THE HUMAN ELEMENT IN MODERN SHIP DESIG..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              503374
MP-032-$$ALL.pdf                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55             1167182
MR.docx                                            02-Apr-2018 10:55                   0
Main Report - Survey of Hydrogen Risk Assessmen..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              204912
Management of Human and Organizational Error in..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1180955
Management of human error in operations of mari..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              402585
Marine and Offshore Safety Assessment by Incorp..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              805839
Marine risk assessment.pdf                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              991641
Marine-Structures-for-the-Future.NUS.12.12.2003..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             2888634
Master Project Plan2.pdf                           02-Apr-2018 10:55              203688
Mathematical characterization of human reliabil..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              363001
Memo Style.pdf                                     02-Apr-2018 10:55               87163
Model Input_combined.pdf                           02-Apr-2018 10:55              363746
N'hangue-InterimRpt-v1.pdf                         02-Apr-2018 10:55             1080091
NGU Report 2013-028.pdf                            02-Apr-2018 10:55              244750
NTNU-FUS_Self_Evaluation_Report_2008.pdf           02-Apr-2018 10:55              444961
NTNU_Engineering_Education_IEEC_Evaluation_Repo..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              238412
Navy Human Factors Engineering Safety Ship Desi..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              385944
New Haven_3.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55             8428464
New Haven_Final report.pdf                         02-Apr-2018 10:55             3999609
New Microsoft Office Word-dokument.docx            02-Apr-2018 10:55              341441
Node Coordination.pdf                              02-Apr-2018 10:55               10693
Norwegian University of Science and Technology ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              366088
Norwegian University of Science and Technology ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              211371
OATA-P2-D9.2-04 PSSA Report -Ed0.21.pdf            02-Apr-2018 10:55              239818
OLF Guideline 70.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55               10340
OSPAR_report.pdf                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55             3453251
Offline EBSD Bug Report.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              189179
Offshore safety case approach and formal safety..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              429011
Old report - flows Cambambe.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              139111
On the use of the hybrid causal logic method in..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              530271
Operational safety of FPSOs.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              221389
POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS OF FUZZY SETS IN INDUSTR..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              822335
PROCESS REPORT STRUCTURE.docx                      02-Apr-2018 10:55               22290
PROGRESS REPORT-OCTOBER 2013-NASIM.pdf             02-Apr-2018 10:55              659965
Paper for MR8102.docx                              02-Apr-2018 10:55               11889
Pdf_risk_assessment_report_2.pdf                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              880371
PetroMod_2012_2_PetroReport_UserGuide.pdf          02-Apr-2018 10:55              745701
PhD_progressreport_p_10213a.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              106512
Pk 8201 Report.docx                                02-Apr-2018 10:55             1890768
Pk 8201 Report.pdf                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55             2224463
Pk 8201 Report_rev1.docx                           02-Apr-2018 10:55              810385
Pk 8201 Report_rev1.pdf                            02-Apr-2018 10:55              534461
Practical Approach to Managing Safety Critical ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              115269
Pre-Report Zomorod.docx                            02-Apr-2018 10:55              142923
Pre-Report.Nasim-REV.1.pdf                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              324862
Pre-Report.Nasim.docx                              02-Apr-2018 10:55              184912
Pre-Report.Nasim.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55              333385
Pre-Report.RE.01.Nasim.docx                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              129457
Pre-Report.RE.01.Nasim.pdf                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              517354
Pre-Report.Shiva.docx                              02-Apr-2018 10:55              106261
Preliminary Report.pdf                             02-Apr-2018 10:55              128360
PreliminaryProjectReportBondBreakers.pdf           02-Apr-2018 10:55              966655
Process Report.docx                                02-Apr-2018 10:55             2651799
Process Report.pdf                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              925342
Process report - Green Skulls.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              418157
Process report put together.docx                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              752837
ProcessReportBondbreakersVersion1.pdf              02-Apr-2018 10:55              310702
ProcessReportBondbreakersVersion2.pdf              02-Apr-2018 10:55              310304
Progress Report-October.Nasim.docx                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              160378
Progress Report-October.Nasim.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              321172
Project Report TPK4120 - Bordonado.pdf             02-Apr-2018 10:55             1061077
Project Report.pdf                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1107205
Project Report_Samantha Apr 15.docx                02-Apr-2018 10:55              455474
Project Report_Samantha.docx                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              454501
Project Report_latest_sunday(Afternoon April 7)..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              457554
Project report - Green Skulls.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              836160
Project report - Producing tubes of silicone oi..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55            28474429
Project report.docx                                02-Apr-2018 10:55              208470
Project-Lutz-report.pdf                            02-Apr-2018 10:55             8234698
ProjectReportBondBreakersFinally.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55             1052247
Project_Report May 2.docx                          02-Apr-2018 10:55              888220
Project_Report___April29(with references).docx     02-Apr-2018 10:55              679806
Propagation of uncertainty in a simulation-base..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              699466
Prosjektoppgave.pdf                                02-Apr-2018 10:55             6792509
QUANTIFICATION OF HUMAN ERROR RATES USING A SLI..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              499863
QUANTIFICATION OF HUMAN RELIABILITY USING INFLU..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             4007199
Quinton & Manning Digit ratio (2D4D) and prenat..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55               61060
RE8ST1 Aragonite Report.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55            12165577
REN 2007 - Renewable Energy Network - Global St..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              491208
RINA 1999.pdf                                      02-Apr-2018 10:55               59611
RINA 2005.pdf                                      02-Apr-2018 10:55              133869
RISK ASSESSMENT OF DELAYS DURING DEEP WATER PIP..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              187153
RISKIngerKroonCOWI.pdf                             02-Apr-2018 10:55             4033047
ROSS2005.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55             1340292
Ramstadreport.pdf                                  02-Apr-2018 10:55             7854508
Reconstructing human contributions to accidents..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              126773
Redmill_Anderson-Improvements_in_System_Safety.pdf 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1794093
Relationships between accident investigations, ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55               88629
ReliabilitySpecifications.pdf                      02-Apr-2018 10:55            10581810
Report - IRIS - finished.docx                      02-Apr-2018 10:55            29061789
Report - air separation - B19.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55            14783600
Report - fenton oxidation - B19.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55             6103908
Report - yeast fermentation - B19.pdf              02-Apr-2018 10:55             1607411
Report CSTR tBC hydrolysis.pdf                     02-Apr-2018 10:55             8624573
Report Carbon nanotubes.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              792146
Report DGPS (new).pdf                              02-Apr-2018 10:55              435333
Report DGPS.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              389454
Report Fenton Oxidation.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              350165
Report Magnetisk lagring.pdf                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              610229
Report Packed Distillation.pdf                     02-Apr-2018 10:55              665235
Report REDUCE RECYCLE REUSE.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55            27447088
Report ShapeMemoryAlloys.pdf                       02-Apr-2018 10:55             5439517
Report Silicon.pdf                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1176803
Report Solar cells other than Si.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55              800271
Report UF-Membrane.pdf                             02-Apr-2018 10:55             1925613
Report photonic_crystals.pdf                       02-Apr-2018 10:55             1762540
Report semiconductor_lasers.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55             1877240
Report,_endelig_versjon.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55            24027645
Report-0920.docx                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              290151
Report-0928.docx                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              525440
Report.2.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55            18443408
Report.docx                                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              505728
Report.pdf                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              184778
Report1.pdf                                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              317030
Report103GK.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              917442
Report104GK.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              377563
Report2.0 - Distillation - B19.pdf                 02-Apr-2018 10:55             3297968
Report2.pdf                                        02-Apr-2018 10:55               71461
Report202GK.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              263350
Report302GK.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              646904
Report377Guidelineformanagingmarinerisksassocia..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55               38428
Report_Group2.pdf                                  02-Apr-2018 10:55             4983828
Report_ShapeMemoryAlloys.pdf                       02-Apr-2018 10:55             5479035
Reporting_Expectations_Awards.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55               80063
Reporting_Statistics_in_Psychology.pdf             02-Apr-2018 10:55              492592
Reportoir_til_hjemmeside.docx                      02-Apr-2018 10:55               13161
ResidenceTimeDistribution-report.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55              577459
Response analysis of a parked spar.docx            02-Apr-2018 10:55             1863274
Response analysis of a parked spar_revised1.docx   02-Apr-2018 10:55             2093581
Review of advances in human reliability analysi..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              283554
Risk Assessment Applied to Offshore Structures.pdf 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1450618
Risk Based Structural Integrity Management of M..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              511171
Risk Bayesian assessment approach to HOF-based ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1193533
Risk Management Training.pdf                       02-Apr-2018 10:55               98972
Risk Management in a Dynamic Society.pdf           02-Apr-2018 10:55             1930810
Risk assessment of ship navigation using Bayesi..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              415179
Risk criteria in EU.pdf                            02-Apr-2018 10:55              174712
Risk of human fatality in building fires A deci..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              358562
Risk-based emergency decision support.pdf          02-Apr-2018 10:55              286550
Rock Engineering_Report.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55             2067063
SAFER_EURORO-Public_Final_Report.pdf               02-Apr-2018 10:55             1068122
SEFI_report-GlobalTrendsInSustainableEnergyInve..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             2848288
SIMLab Annual Report 2012 MR.pdf                   02-Apr-2018 10:55            24512872
SIMLab Annual report 2013.pdf                      02-Apr-2018 10:55             7207360
SMS_DNV_Report.pdf                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              974552
SRCCS_WholeReport.pdf                              02-Apr-2018 10:55            23911869
SSDC11.pdf                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55            14165185
ST2 Distillation Report.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              260559
Safe practices for sampling commercial trawler ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55               74378
Safety and Reliability.pdf                         02-Apr-2018 10:55               28694
Safety based design and maintenance optimisatio..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1600230
Safety culture and accident analysis A socio-ma..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              353551
Safety in shipping The human element.pdf           02-Apr-2018 10:55              221069
Safety of DP Operation on MODUs.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55              387933
Safety of maritime transportation.pdf              02-Apr-2018 10:55              236004
Safety_Critical_Systems_Problems_Process_and_Pr..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             6593895
ScC_report_13 - Annex III.pdf                      02-Apr-2018 10:55               62094
Schedule.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              171988
Schedule2.pdf                                      02-Apr-2018 10:55              239950
Searching for the Root Causes ofMaritime Casual..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              676134
Secure safety Secure remote access to critical ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              965124
Self-reported injuries among seafarers question..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              170641
Sensitivity of Tp.docx                             02-Apr-2018 10:55             1049691
Ship Collision Risk for an Offshore Wind Farm.pdf  02-Apr-2018 10:55             1341029
Shipping accidents a serious threat for marine ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              208276
Short guide to writing a report.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55              225324
Skjong FSA Guidelines.pdf                          02-Apr-2018 10:55              468966
Sources of Mistakes in PFD Calculations for Saf..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              836995
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Stip_8708_IPK_RAMS_42902a.pdf                      02-Apr-2018 10:55               22209
Stress -  Absence-Management-survey-report-2010..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             2127543
Stress no542.pdf                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55               11835
Stress.pdf                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55               79813
Stress4.pdf                                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              204955
System-level hazard analysis using the sequence..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1845294
TKP4510 project report.docx                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              497911
TOC-2001.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              398535
TeamDA.pdf                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              356382
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Technical report NEW (2).docx                      02-Apr-2018 10:55             1435512
The Delft Systems Approach_Analysis and Design ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             3127909
The Grounding of Exxon Valdez An Examination of..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              786685
The Loss of the Bourbon Dolphin on 12 April 200..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             4995170
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The current status and future aspects in formal..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              106954
The future of goal-based assurance cases.pdf       02-Apr-2018 10:55             1017517
The model of oil spills due to ships collisions..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              247685
The spread of marine non-indigenous species via..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              689325
Things to be brought from india.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55               29614
Throwing a Bridge between Risk Assessment and F..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1543536
Towards the identification of warning criteria ..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1407733
Translated version of biogas report.docx           02-Apr-2018 10:55              428222
Transportation 2- Technical report .docx           02-Apr-2018 10:55             1431724
Transportation 2- Technical report .pdf            02-Apr-2018 10:55             1667813
Uncertainty in fault tree analysis A fuzzy appr..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              454073
Update on pig farming for technical report.docx    02-Apr-2018 10:55               14988
V--INFO-PUB-Utgivelser-Prosjektrapport-ZEB proj..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             7172277
VERITEC ACCIDENT REPORT RECORDS 114 TOTAL LOSSE..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55               87650
V__INFO_PUB_Utgivelser_Prosjektrapport_ZEB proj..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55            11899202
Vermiculite no 5.docx                              02-Apr-2018 10:55             1229382
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ZEB report_Ana Despa.pdf                           02-Apr-2018 10:55             6070237
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acceptable_risk.pdf                                02-Apr-2018 10:55               63618
accident.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              489974
blade resonance response.docx                      02-Apr-2018 10:55               52630
classdiagram.pdf                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55               38401
classification system for reporting events invo..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              909147
comparison between wind38.7 and no wind.docx       02-Apr-2018 10:55              884836
comparison of the pitch and yaw and roll output..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1850244
conference_report.pdf                              02-Apr-2018 10:55              384831
conference_report_pepperel.pdf                     02-Apr-2018 10:55               49037
contour surface and design cases.docx              02-Apr-2018 10:55             2216175
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dnvreport.pdf                                      02-Apr-2018 10:55              209495
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draft_fault analysis of a spar-type wind turbin..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1766846
eit2011_project_report-group1.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              627890
eit2011_project_report-group2.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55               52328
eit2011_project_report-group3.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55               73699
eit2011_project_report-group4.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              628172
esrel-pst.pdf                                      02-Apr-2018 10:55              219030
example_report_1.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55             5712013
example_report_2.pdf                               02-Apr-2018 10:55             1140062
fall_project_report.pdf                            02-Apr-2018 10:55             1423820
fortellinger.pdf                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55               17376
front_page HANNE-PRANITA.pdf                       02-Apr-2018 10:55            29663169
fsa-checklist.pdf                                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              658844
han-yamei.pdf                                      02-Apr-2018 10:55              317042
heli_report.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              172435
helicopter_lab_report.pdf                          02-Apr-2018 10:55              206619
human error, safety and systems development.pdf    02-Apr-2018 10:55            10832843
hydro_aero_load.docx                               02-Apr-2018 10:55              935570
id.pdf                                             02-Apr-2018 10:55               72020
ideas_for_acholi_quartersjan2010 FINAL.pdf         02-Apr-2018 10:55            18841631
julieReport.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              712806
k10213_a001.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              272785
k10213_c000.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              630134
k10213_c001.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              355262
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k10213_c009.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              460723
k10213_c010.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              354961
k10213_c011.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              528929
karlsen-semester-report.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              108408
kivulu report_BIG pictues.pdf                      02-Apr-2018 10:55            27318078
lcc.pdf                                            02-Apr-2018 10:55              799987
lhc-project-report-799.pdf                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              276143
main.pdf                                           02-Apr-2018 10:55             5189241
main_report-super-ultimate-version-color-editon..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             5120222
maintenance outsourcing report.pdf                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              300785
maintenance outsourcingreport.pdf                  02-Apr-2018 10:55              297061
maintenance report.pdf                             02-Apr-2018 10:55             1502539
managing-open-innovation-survey-report.pdf         02-Apr-2018 10:55             4204252
marine accidents present trends ;AND A PERSPECT..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55              858191
martin-msc-07.pdf                                  02-Apr-2018 10:55             1035644
martin07.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              710251
menu16a.pdf                                        02-Apr-2018 10:55               87101
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numacreport.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              271473
ny_report_kunde_natt.pdf                           02-Apr-2018 10:55              301575
ny_report_kunde_natt_.pdf                          02-Apr-2018 10:55              301499
ny_report_kunde_natt__.pdf                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              302883
oppsett.pdf                                        02-Apr-2018 10:55             1236718
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pds2003.pdf                                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              402706
photo.jpg                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55                1042
pre report. Nasim.pdf                              02-Apr-2018 10:55              562554
pre study report.docx                              02-Apr-2018 10:55               14221
preliminary report-Nasim.REV.01.pdf                02-Apr-2018 10:55              522374
preliminary report-Nasim.pdf                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              530289
prestudy report.pdf                                02-Apr-2018 10:55               62432
process report-1.docx                              02-Apr-2018 10:55               96818
project report_finished.pdf                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              786908
project-3.pdf                                      02-Apr-2018 10:55              175113
projectreport.pdf                                  02-Apr-2018 10:55            24729180
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pythontest.pdf                                     02-Apr-2018 10:55              257531
randwalks.pdf                                      02-Apr-2018 10:55               58837
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reconnaissance report.pdf                          02-Apr-2018 10:55             1664760
rep578.pdf                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              696561
report.pdf                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55            13530535
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report05.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              459680
report2.pdf                                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              122219
report4.pdf                                        02-Apr-2018 10:55              209863
reportElisabeth.pdf                                02-Apr-2018 10:55            41869355
report_12_12_22_10:58.pdf                          02-Apr-2018 10:55              386048
report_2009-02-02_19-18_r0.pdf                     02-Apr-2018 10:55               68314
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report_2009-02-23_04-00_r8.pdf                     02-Apr-2018 10:55              169719
report_2009-02-26_04-00_r9.pdf                     02-Apr-2018 10:55              170055
report_2009-02-26_15-00_r10.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              170082
report_2009-03-01_18-00_r11.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              181157
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report_2009-03-19_16-00_r14.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              221903
report_2009-03-20_21-00_r17.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              236205
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report_2009-05-19_20-02_r45.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              579595
report_2009-05-19_21-00_r45.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              579672
report_2009-05-19_22-43_r49.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              583876
report_2009-05-20_00-00_r50.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              586426
report_2009-05-20_02-00_r51.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              588015
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report_2009-05-21_00-00_r56.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              597041
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report_2009-05-27_02-00_r61.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              618385
report_2009-06-03_19-00_r63.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              623785
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report_2009-07-12_18-19_r99.pdf                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              725172
report_2009-07-13_23-03_r104.pdf                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              731765
report_2009-07-14_03-00_r105.pdf                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              732035
report_2009-07-15_01-59_r117.pdf                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              745390
report_2009-07-16_01-00_r123.pdf                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              761873
report_2009-07-16_20-00_r125.pdf                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              809604
report_2009-07-17_14-00_r127.pdf                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              809333
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report_conference.pdf                              02-Apr-2018 10:55               72018
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report_vod.pdf                                     02-Apr-2018 10:55              704988
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reportasje4.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55             1213454
research_report_installation_subsea_modules.pdf    02-Apr-2018 10:55              143999
results_task2.docx                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1911870
rr637.pdf                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55             1320840
scrum_process.pdf                                  02-Apr-2018 10:55               22312
sea state1 dynampic responses.docx                 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1866662
second 2.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              256425
second 3.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55              266434
selected sections - Goedkoop etal ReCiPe_main_r..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             1707850
sem_3a1e0a9f91dcf95684cc90281a8c5e9d.js            02-Apr-2018 10:55               50232
sensitivity to the azimuth angle and wave direc..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             2357318
silence.pdf                                        02-Apr-2018 10:55             1807575
skype_logo.pdf                                     02-Apr-2018 10:55                3519
sol04Report.docx                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55             2577929
sol04Report.pdf                                    02-Apr-2018 10:55              217582
stakeholders.pdf                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55               20914
statwalk.pdf                                       02-Apr-2018 10:55               23747
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stress no561.pdf                                   02-Apr-2018 10:55              204945
stress.pdf                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              204916
task plan.docx                                     02-Apr-2018 10:55               59815                                 02-Apr-2018 10:55              129094
the_world_floating_production_report_2005_2009.pdf 02-Apr-2018 10:55               25563
till_plott_23_02_08_edited HANNE-PRANITA - lite..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55             4646432
ttm4135_group42_report.pdf                         02-Apr-2018 10:55              104198
utprint_Report_.pdf                                02-Apr-2018 10:55              504475
viewer                                             02-Apr-2018 10:55                3207
viewer(1)                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55                1646
viewer(10)                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55               15959
viewer(11)                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55               14730
viewer(12)                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55               32052
viewer(13)                                         02-Apr-2018 10:55               16805
viewer(2)                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55                1546
viewer(3)                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55                1499
viewer(4)                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55                1392
viewer(5)                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55                2831
viewer(6)                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55                1461
viewer(7)                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55               38321
viewer(8)                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55               19909
viewer(9)                                          02-Apr-2018 10:55               18563
waterfall_model.pdf                                02-Apr-2018 10:55               33923
~$aft_fault analysis of a spar-type wind turbin..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55                 162
~$aft_fault analysis of a spar-type wind turbin..> 02-Apr-2018 10:55                 162
~$ocess report.docx                                02-Apr-2018 10:55                 162
~$sponse analysis of a parked spar.docx            02-Apr-2018 10:55                 162
~$talysis report.docx                              02-Apr-2018 10:55                 162